Tips On How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Are you worried about excess belly fat? Maybe your favorite jeans don't fit you anymore or you look unflattering in your favorite cocktail dress. You definitely need to do something about that extra fat quickly! You should be aware of the consequences of obesity, and know that it is necessary to maintain a healthy weight to prevent a variety of diseases. There are several weight loss and diet plans available that help in weight and fat loss. But if you want to know how to lose belly fat naturally, here are some methods that are just as effective.

A healthy diet and exercise is necessary for rapid weight loss. As for your diet, you do not need to starve yourself, you can just avoid fatty foods and replace them with healthy alternatives. I suggest you eat 4 - 5 small, healthy meals each day. As for exercise, a combination of weightlifting and cardio is best for fat loss. Now let's look at these methods in detail.

Food you should eat: Vegetables and fruits are the best options for health products that you can include in your diet weight loss. They contain all the necessary nutrients and almost no fat. Fish is a good choice, because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and proteins that are necessary for the body. You can also include low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk, olive oil, nuts and seeds,
whole grains, beans, legumes, tofu, soy, herbal tea etc. in your diet. Consuming food with a high protein content is a necessity if you're working out regularly.

Foods to avoid: All junk and processed foods such as pizza, burgers, chips, desserts, etc. should be excluded from your diet. Second, avoid eating fatty and fried foods, like fried chicken, butter, cheese, cakes, croquettes, etc. Meat and chicken with a thick sauce, macaroni and cheese, etc. contain excess calories and therefore should be avoided. Chocolate, sweets, desserts, cakes, pastries, ice cream, are also loaded with calories and therefore should not be part of your diet.

Drink water: Have you heard about the benefits of drinking water to lose weight? Having a sufficient amount of water (8 - 10 glasses) daily helps increase your metabolism, which further helps in quick fat loss. Water is also one of the best natural appetite suppressant. You can drink a glass of water before meals to curb appetite, which consequently leads to weight loss.

Exercise: Exercise is a must if you want to lose belly fat fast. Cardiovascular exercises like swimming, running, jogging, brisk walking, etc. help in burning fat. Another effective way of burning fat is by doing DVD workout programs at home.

Reduce stress: Stress is another factor that affects your weight. It has been observed that people tend to eat a lot when under stress. Therefore, you should avoid eating sweets and try to reduce stress as much as possible to maximize your fat loss. Meditation and yoga are considered to be the best methods for dealing with stress. Pursuing a hobby, or spending more time with close friends or family members, may also help in reducing stress.

Sleep: A good night's sleep is important for having a healthy body and mind. Therefore, having a sound sleep for more than 6 hours is critical.

Now that you've read my tips on how to lose belly fat naturally, it should be easier to understand how to deal with losing weight!

You can find more health and fitness tips at [http://effectivefitnessprograms.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexander_Persson

The Triple Attack to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Belly fat, you don't want it, you can't hide it... and no matter what you do, you can't seem to get rid of it! And once you look in the mirror and see the belly fat hanging down, I know you want to get rid of it fast.

You need the "Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast". I'll tell you what you need to hear, (not necessarily what you want to hear), to lose belly fat fast... and get rid of those love handles and that beer belly once and for all!

So if you're willing to hear the truth about losing fat fast, and do something about it, you can develop the washboard six pack, flat stomach, lean abdominals you've always wanted... absent of the belly fat that has been keeping you from performing, feeling and looking your best!

The Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast!

Many of you have tried endless crunches and sit ups in search for the six pack look... only to end up tired and frustrated with muscles hidden by layers of fat. Others have tried reduced calories diets to lose belly fat... and even after all the sacrifices, ending up with more belly fat than when you started. It seems like nothing works.

The reason... losing belly fat cannot be accomplished, (for most), by the exclusive use of either exercise or diet. As a matter of fact you need a triple attack to lose belly fat fast!

Your belly fat is a RESULT of your workout program, nutrition plan and lifestyle... so to reduce belly fat you must CHANGE what you do, what you eat and how you live.

It IS as simple as that!

To lose belly fat fast you must...

- burn belly fat through exercise...

- lose belly fat through proper diet...

- avoid belly fat through healthy lifestyle.

And yes, you must do all three if you want to lose belly fat fast... no "can I do only one" or "there has to be an easier way". And no, there aren't any super fat loss pills or magic potions you can take to lose belly fat fast.

I told you it might not be what you want to hear!

Belly Fat Attack #1... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Exercise

In order to get rid of that embarrassing belly fat... you must exercise to burn fat.

I know what your thinking... "I tried that, and it didn't work!"
And you're right... most exercise programs won't significantly help you lose belly fat fast. You must combine resistance training to build muscle, intense cardio to burn calories and targeted ab exercise to firm and tighten your mid-section and stomach area.

Only be combining all three methods of exercise will you begin to build the body that will drive belly fat into extinction. Because after all, this type of exercise does not just destroy belly fat... it builds a muscular, attractive body!

But no amount of exercise will make up for a poor diet, so...

Belly Fat Attack #2... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Proper Diet

In order to expose the firm, tight core you develop through exercise... you must lose belly fat through proper diet and nutrition.

Oh no, I said the 4 letter word "diet". By "diet" I don't mean those restrictive calorie diets you tried before... only to end up with more belly fat than when you started. As a matter of fact... don't concentrate on only reducing calories!

Don't focus on what you can't eat... focus on how you should eat to make belly fat a distant memory. Eat properly, embrace healthy eating habits and improve metabolism... and the belly fat will come off!

If you've been paying attention so far, you would have realized I have changed the classic axiom of "Exercise More, Eat Less" to "Exercise Better, Eat Better"!

But exercise and diet are not the only things you can do to lose belly fat fast...

Belly Fat Attack #3... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Healthy Lifestyle

There is more to life than exercise and diet... your body is a dynamic organism, reacting and adapting to all outside and inside influences. Therefore, don't sabotage your exercise and diet efforts with an unhealthy lifestyle and low self image. Drinking, smoking, stress, poor sleeping habits, low self image, etc. all effect your body and can contribute to the accumulation of belly fat.

Getting rid of excess belly fat can actually lower high blood pressure... a major health risk. Reduce stress, and you create an environment where belly fat fails to thrive. Last, but certainly not least, improve self image to ensure long term leanness... and you'll keep the bell fat off forever.

The Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast works... but exactly how it is applied by each individual will be unique to that individual. While there is probably room for improvement in all the areas of exercise, diet and lifestyle... there is usually one area that is more of a problem than the others. To start seeing RESULTS for your efforts faster... focus on your biggest problem area first!

Change what you do (effective fat loss workout), what you eat (a healthy diet) and how you live (habits that support your diet and exercise) and you WILL lose belly fat fast.

Coach Eddie Lomax knows that to lose belly fat fast you must use the best combination of fat loss workout, proper diet and healthy lifestyle. He uses this criteria to rate the best fat loss workouts of trusted trainers on: [http://www.bestfatlossworkout.com] Find your best fat loss workout [http://www.bestfatlossworkout.com] and get rid of belly fat fast starting today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eddie_Lomax

Burn Stomach Fat the Lazy Way - How to Reduce Stomach Flab While Lying in Your Bed

Here's how to burn stomach fat the lazy way. Basically, I'm going to show you how to reduce stomach flab while you lie on your bed. Only takes a few minutes a day too. It's easy, quick, and you can do it while you watch tv. You don't have an excuse to NOT do these!

How to Reduce Stomach Flab

1. The "hot hands" belly rub

This is what you do...

Rub your hands together. Do this for 25 seconds or whatever. Just create some kinetic heat on them. Then, while you lie down on your bed, rub circles around your belly button. Do this for 20-30 seconds.

Then stop... rub your hands together for another 10 seconds... and repeat. Do this for a total of 2-3 minutes, twice a day for best results.

Once in the morning and once at night.

The theory behind why this works... the heat from your hands basically burn off fat cells in your stomach. The heat passes directly past your skin and into the fat cells.

The heat basically burns them alive. They don't like heat. Now, it'll take some time to get rid of all the fat cells doing this, but repeated exposure to this type of heat will eliminate and burn the stomach fat out.

2. The isometric ab squeeze

This helps to flatten your abs. What you do is tighten up your abs and squeeze them together.
As hard as you can. Then hold for as long as you can.

Release, rest a few seconds, then repeat. This also can be done while lying on your bed. I suggest you do it for 3-6 minutes a day, depending on how quickly you want to solve your belly fat problem.

If you want to burn stomach fat without having to do much of anything, I can't think of a better way to reduce stomach flab as fast and easy as with these 2 techniques.

Want more secrets to burn stomach fat? Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com for your FREE 19-PAGE report "How SPINNING Around Like a Child Skyrockets your Weight Loss".

WHY get it? BECAUSE reading this article shows you're NOT 100% HAPPY with your body. Today you can fix it. The report will help you lose 10+ pounds, balance your hormones, and give you tons of energy.

I think you're committed to losing weight BECAUSE you read this article. That's an important 1st step. If weight loss truly is a PRIORITY for you, then click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get the free report. 12,000+ women are using the report to lose weight... why not you?

Jennifer Jolan

PS. Click my name at the top of this article to view my author profile and 420 articles I wrote.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

Best Way to Get Flat Abs

Put across this question to anyone or scratch the Internet to find out which is the best way to get flat abs fast and you will get nine out of ten people telling you it is the ab exercises. Some of them even recommend you to stress more upon the crunches. Fine, the question is how quick are the ab exercises to give you your desired flat abs and is it enough to pursue just the abdominals. The answer is unfortunately not. Read on.

You must look back as to how you got yourself into the position of wanting to get flat abs even before venturing out to check what the abs exercises look like. Don't make a mistake; abdominal exercises are only a part of a comprehensive abdominal rehabilitation program, which essentially requires you to adapt to strict disciplines of diet,
exercises and follow through.

To Get Flat Abs You Have To Forget Alcohol
To get flat abs, you need to give up alcohol completely if you are used to it. Internet exercise gurus may tell you that a large a day will do no harm but you will only be exercising the extra calorie you gained drinking your peg last night. Alcohol, in any amount releases large amounts of free oxygen when absorbed into your blood stream, which enhances appetite by leaps and bounds.

Flat Abs Actually Comes Cheap!
You are going to cut down on intake of red meat specifically and all meats in general because meat is the richest source of unsaturated fatty acids besides being a source of proteins. If you are a regular to eat meat, not only you will find it an uphill task to exercise for your ultimate goal of flat abs but also difficult to maintain the status quo because you will be only working out to burn the daily fat you are adding.

Eat more leafy and green vegetables, pulses and grams; overnight soaked raw pulses are pretty rich bags of proteins and it would be best when they are sprouted. The basic idea is to keep things simple for your digestive and metabolic system so that all that you eat is assimilated completely.

Tricks For Effective Abs Exercises
Here are some simple but often overlooked tips for better ab exercises.

1. The more you exercise the better.

2. Having someone standing besides you when exercising your abs, particularly when you are a beginner, is good for constraining your bodily motions to precision.

3. Compensate for the calories lost by eating the soaked pulses, which are mostly proteins & vitamins; avoid milk, eggs, coffee or anything that adds fat.

The adage - no pain, no gain - is right. Also true is the older saying that Rome was not built in a day. Patience, perseverance with your abdominal exercises only pays back.

It is all about precisely knowing what to do, how to do and finally what mistakes to avoid when it comes to ab exercises [http://www.healthgenie.org/corkscrew-exercises-1.php] no matter whether it is for general fitness or the sexy six packs. Check out Alevoor Rajagopal's result oriented abdominal exercises to be on target. Thank you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alevoor_Rajagopal

Best Abs Exercises For Women - Tips on How to Have Great Abs

Who doesn't want to have a great body? Women like men want to have a voluptuous and gorgeous build. Some are doing everything just to have the shape that they want. As a result, many people overdo lots of routines and instead of achieving a great cut they would end up like a woman in a man's body. Most women want to have a flat toned stomach in an instant. But this cannot be achieved like any instant noodles, just add water and its ready to eat. A woman must follow certain workouts and nutrition in order to achieve such a goal. It is best to go to the gym. Some would hate this idea since most women today doesn't want to be dictated. They don't want to hear their instructor shouting, "That's not how to do it... do these and that... don't eat these, eat that! That is why most women purchase their own set of equipment with instructional DVDs to keep themselves away from their annoying instructors.

Best abs exercises for women can be done at the comfort of your home it will only take few minutes daily. And the result also comes quick,
usually within 10-12 days. But it must be done in a proper way. These exercises should be accompanied with proper diet or nutrition. A person engaged in strenuous exercises must be aware of what one should eat. Women usually don't want to eat after having theses exercises. Because they believed that eating too much after having these exercises will result in bringing back the calories and fats that they have removed. Wrong! A person engaged in this type of exercises should eat what they want to eat. The reason for this is that during exercise a person should burn only the unwanted fats. If they don't eat they will burn not only the unwanted fat but the good fats as well.

Here are some of the best abs exercises for women:

o The traditional abdominal wheel is still the best. Roll with your body back and forth so as to produce a nice tension in the abdominal muscles. Women don't have to be troubled about having 6 pack tummies because women will not be having this. It will only produce a nice toned flat abdomen. This exercise needs 5 minutes a day only.

o One of the most sought after best abs exercises is the vacuum pose. This type of routine is classified as isometric exercise, thus it creates a different amount tension in the abs. Again, it will not create a 6 pack abs. This routine will only flatten and tone down the abdominal area. This is done by sucking the lower abs and holds the tension for the longest time possible. Do it at 10 second (minimum time) each instance a woman sucks. Do this repeatedly for 5 minutes daily. A woman will achieve the best abs in just 4 weeks or less.

Who says that abs is for men only? If a woman uses these two abs exercises, one will see a great change in just 10-12 days. And this will not be just an ordinary abs. Try it!

Check Out Six Packs Fast Program for anyone who would like to get see results Fast.

Also Read how to get motivation, healthy food recipes, and more tips which you can find this plan at http://www.sixpackdiet.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Evelyn_De

How To Bulk Up Your Arm Size With These Proven Muscle Building Workouts For Biceps And Triceps

When you start on muscle building workouts, it is natural for you to expect your arms to become bigger when you are lifting weights. In fact, most people who lift weights are on a quest to increase the size of their arms. Only some of these people manage to do so, while others do not achieve as much in spite of increasing amount of exercise targeted at building up the arm muscles.

The reasons for this are simple - most people on muscle building workouts tend to concentrate on their arm muscles more than the other muscles of their body. There is a limit on the extent to which the arm muscles can grow in the absence of similar development in the other large muscles of the body such as the leg and back muscles. In addition, these people tend to focus more on exercising their biceps unknowing of the fact that the triceps account for almost three-quarters of your arm. If you are serious about increasing the size of your arms, you should be exercising your triceps more than your biceps.

There is also the inherent bias
that people have when it comes to muscle building workouts, they tend to do more and work harder in those exercises that focus on the arms rather than working equally on all body parts. They tend to forget that when you do your chest and back routines in lifting, you need your biceps and triceps.

There are plenty of muscle building workouts that when coupled with the right training program, can give you the arms that you always wanted. One such routine is given here, and each set of exercises is to be done back to back with no break between sets:

To exercise biceps - perform one rep chin up followed by a biceps curl using dumbbells or barbells

To exercise triceps - perform one rep dip followed by triceps extension using a single dumbbell in both hands

The important thing here in the chin up and dip is to do them slowly - you can start off with 30 seconds to raise yourself, and another 30 to lower yourself; you need to keep extending the duration until you can go up to 60 seconds. Then it is time to add weight and repeat the process.

Be careful not to overtrain your arms. 2-week long sessions interspersed with rest periods, with not more than three such routines per week will see your arms grow bigger in a very short time.

Get effective training and Muscle Building Workouts that will get you big and ripped in less than 30 days!

To add muscle mass and get ripped faster than you ever thought possible, CLICK HERE

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_J_Philips

How to Build Muscle For Bigger Arms

With shirt sleeve weather here, the desire for bigger arms increases. Everyone knows the basic arm exercises, but it's how you assemble an entire workout for arms that matters. Understand that there are variables in training that affect how successful things will be that have nothing to do with the actual weight lifting routine itself. If applied properly though, this arm blasting session will add inches to your arms.

Unlike some, I do not work my bi's with the back and tri's with the chest. If you want arms, then work your arms. But take this into consideration when training your other muscle groups. After this arm workout, chest and back sessions will be affected by "tired" arms. Rest and plan accordingly.

All exercises are 5 sets, pyramided, with the 4th set being the heaviest. The first and second set are 10 reps, third is 8, fourth is 6 and the last is done to total failure (should be 10 or so reps). Given the low rep count your weight for each set should be as heavy as possible. For example weights would be, 60,
70, 80, 90, and 70% of max for the 5 sets. Rest 90 seconds between each set. For maximum effectiveness follow this routine in the exact order given:

Barbell curls - Have your back against a wall.

Triceps extension - use a machine for these.

Hanging biceps using EZ curl bar/ weighted dips - alternating sets. This is the difference maker!

Alternating bicep curl/EZ curl bar triceps extension - alternating sets. Use a bench for these set at greater than 45 degrees.

As a guide I use 5% more than my body weight on the hanging biceps curl on the fourth set and 5% more than my maximum bench weight for weighted dips. Hanging biceps curl is performed on a bench set at 45 degrees, laying face down, so your arms dangle to the floor. Most people slack on the weighted dips. DON'T! If you weigh 175 pounds and you can bench 275, than hang MORE THAN 100 pounds for your dips. And by the way, if you can't bench AT LEAST a 100 pounds more than you weigh, you should NOT be focusing on arms so much. You should be doing more compound moves, but I digress.

This weight lifting routine should take around 45 minutes to complete. I like to finish with a fast set of 21's at a low weight for bi's and immediately follow it with a set to failure of body weight dips to get the blood flowing and have that pump that let's me and everybody else know that we built big arms today! Lastly, and as important as the workout itself, consume at least 30 grams of quick release protein within 30 minutes.

I use muscle building supplements [http://www.muscleandhealth.org/] for this as time to prepare a protein based meal is limited.

Steve R. Robbins has been a life long fitness enthusiast. Has the distinction of being able to run a marathon and bench press twice his weight in the same day. All at the age of 52. Editor and regular contributor to MuscleandHealth.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_R_Robbins