With shirt sleeve weather here, the desire for bigger arms increases. Everyone knows the basic arm exercises, but it's how you assemble an entire workout for arms that matters. Understand that there are variables in training that affect how successful things will be that have nothing to do with the actual weight lifting routine itself. If applied properly though, this arm blasting session will add inches to your arms.
Unlike some, I do not work my bi's with the back and tri's with the chest. If you want arms, then work your arms. But take this into consideration when training your other muscle groups. After this arm workout, chest and back sessions will be affected by "tired" arms. Rest and plan accordingly.
All exercises are 5 sets, pyramided, with the 4th set being the heaviest. The first and second set are 10 reps, third is 8, fourth is 6 and the last is done to total failure (should be 10 or so reps). Given the low rep count your weight for each set should be as heavy as possible. For example weights would be, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 70% of max for the 5 sets. Rest 90 seconds between each set. For maximum effectiveness follow this routine in the exact order given:
Barbell curls - Have your back against a wall.
Triceps extension - use a machine for these.
Hanging biceps using EZ curl bar/ weighted dips - alternating sets. This is the difference maker!
Alternating bicep curl/EZ curl bar triceps extension - alternating sets. Use a bench for these set at greater than 45 degrees.
As a guide I use 5% more than my body weight on the hanging biceps curl on the fourth set and 5% more than my maximum bench weight for weighted dips. Hanging biceps curl is performed on a bench set at 45 degrees, laying face down, so your arms dangle to the floor. Most people slack on the weighted dips. DON'T! If you weigh 175 pounds and you can bench 275, than hang MORE THAN 100 pounds for your dips. And by the way, if you can't bench AT LEAST a 100 pounds more than you weigh, you should NOT be focusing on arms so much. You should be doing more compound moves, but I digress.
This weight lifting routine should take around 45 minutes to complete. I like to finish with a fast set of 21's at a low weight for bi's and immediately follow it with a set to failure of body weight dips to get the blood flowing and have that pump that let's me and everybody else know that we built big arms today! Lastly, and as important as the workout itself, consume at least 30 grams of quick release protein within 30 minutes.
I use muscle building supplements [http://www.muscleandhealth.org/] for this as time to prepare a protein based meal is limited.
Steve R. Robbins has been a life long fitness enthusiast. Has the distinction of being able to run a marathon and bench press twice his weight in the same day. All at the age of 52. Editor and regular contributor to MuscleandHealth.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_R_Robbins