Top Tips For Building Muscle Mass Fast!

3 secret tips to adding muscle mas to a skinny frame is really no secret.

The real trick is make sure you do all three,if you are missing just one of these muscle building tips you may halt your progress completely. What are the muscle building secret tips?

First and most important if have problems gaining muscular body weight is make sure your nutrition program is in place. You have to make sure your daily calorie intake is more than the calories your burn per day. Sounds logically right,seems like common sense.

But the truth is many people both men and women really get this part wrong. You need to be eating at least six to eight meals a day.

And in order to put on weight I would suggest a 40 percent protein, 40 percent complex carbohydrates and 20 percent good fats omega fatty acids and C.L.A (conjugated linoleic acid) Right now I am bulked up pretty good so my food ratio is more like 50 percent protein, 30 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent fats.

And since you are concerned about adding some good quality muscle to your frame you should eat a high protein moderate carbohydrate meal before bed time, yes I know everyone says not to eat before bed, but that is if you are trying to lose weight, not if you are trying to gain muscle mass.

And always eat a high carbohydrate and high protein meal right after your workout (this is very important) I would even go as far as to get a whey and egg protein supplement, milk cream, and 3 tea spoons of honey and a banana a mix it in a blender and drink it down right after your work out.

The 2nd muscle mass building secret tip: High intensity workouts. And when I say high intensity, muscle using high intensity workouts using mainly compound exercises.

You are going to have to really put those muscles under a great deal of stress to break them down. This forces your body to try to adapt to the stress the muscles have been placed under (called the over load principle).

3rd Muscle building tip: Rest! Not only do I mean a good night sleep witch is extremely important to your muscle building routine. A lot of people think that the workout produces muscles, this is not really true. The work out is just the catalyst. The workout breaks down the muscles and the muscles grow and rebuild while you are resting.

Now the other rest that you need to remember help build your muscles is the rest you take between days of intense workouts. When you do a intense workout you need at least a day or two between workouts so you muscles can fully recover!

Without the proper amount of rest you will end up in a state of over training and you will not build muscles fast, and you may stop your muscle building progress entirely! And remember always consult your doctor before starting any workout. And remember, when you enter the weight room be like the Spartan warriors"No retreat, No surrender"!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Knight