So there are lots of so-called "experts" who will tell you that you can only gain a meager 5 - 10 pounds of muscle per year max. Well this is hogwash. The TRUTH is that if you follow the three simple tips I'm going to give you right now, you can pack on twice... three times... even four times that amount! So lets get right into it.
Fast Muscle Building Tip #1: Use Free Weights And Compound Lifts.
I see guys in the gym all the time doing cable rows, dumbbell flys, cable crossovers, and leg extensions. Now that's all fine, but not if you want to gain muscle as fast as possible. In order to elicit a gigantic growth response from your body you need to use free weights and do compound lifts. I'm talking deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, squats, etc.
Fast Muscle Building Tip #2: Lift Heavy Things.
This should come as no surprise. You need to lift heavy weight in order to grow. But this is where most guys also get confused. How heavy is heavy enough? Well, as a rule of thumb, you should use weights that you can't lift for more than 12 reps max. Anything under 12 reps will help to build size and strength, which is what we're after here. Of course there's all sorts of "ins-and-outs" to your workout routine that will ensure you're growing fast that is beyond the scope of this article. So we'll save that for another time.
Fast Muscle Building Tip #3: Eat Big.
This is where most guys drop the ball. They train like a monster in the gym, then they go home and eat like a newborn infant. If you want your body to grow fast you need to consume a large amount of calories every day. I don't have room to go into all the details of your diet in this article, but to give you a starting point, you should be eating around 20 times your bodyweight in calories every day.
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