Tips On How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Are you worried about excess belly fat? Maybe your favorite jeans don't fit you anymore or you look unflattering in your favorite cocktail dress. You definitely need to do something about that extra fat quickly! You should be aware of the consequences of obesity, and know that it is necessary to maintain a healthy weight to prevent a variety of diseases. There are several weight loss and diet plans available that help in weight and fat loss. But if you want to know how to lose belly fat naturally, here are some methods that are just as effective.

A healthy diet and exercise is necessary for rapid weight loss. As for your diet, you do not need to starve yourself, you can just avoid fatty foods and replace them with healthy alternatives. I suggest you eat 4 - 5 small, healthy meals each day. As for exercise, a combination of weightlifting and cardio is best for fat loss. Now let's look at these methods in detail.

Food you should eat: Vegetables and fruits are the best options for health products that you can include in your diet weight loss. They contain all the necessary nutrients and almost no fat. Fish is a good choice, because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and proteins that are necessary for the body. You can also include low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk, olive oil, nuts and seeds, whole grains, beans, legumes, tofu, soy, herbal tea etc. in your diet. Consuming food with a high protein content is a necessity if you're working out regularly.

Foods to avoid: All junk and processed foods such as pizza, burgers, chips, desserts, etc. should be excluded from your diet. Second, avoid eating fatty and fried foods, like fried chicken, butter, cheese, cakes, croquettes, etc. Meat and chicken with a thick sauce, macaroni and cheese, etc. contain excess calories and therefore should be avoided. Chocolate, sweets, desserts, cakes, pastries, ice cream, are also loaded with calories and therefore should not be part of your diet.

Drink water: Have you heard about the benefits of drinking water to lose weight? Having a sufficient amount of water (8 - 10 glasses) daily helps increase your metabolism, which further helps in quick fat loss. Water is also one of the best natural appetite suppressant. You can drink a glass of water before meals to curb appetite, which consequently leads to weight loss.

Exercise: Exercise is a must if you want to lose belly fat fast. Cardiovascular exercises like swimming, running, jogging, brisk walking, etc. help in burning fat. Another effective way of burning fat is by doing DVD workout programs at home.

Reduce stress: Stress is another factor that affects your weight. It has been observed that people tend to eat a lot when under stress. Therefore, you should avoid eating sweets and try to reduce stress as much as possible to maximize your fat loss. Meditation and yoga are considered to be the best methods for dealing with stress. Pursuing a hobby, or spending more time with close friends or family members, may also help in reducing stress.

Sleep: A good night's sleep is important for having a healthy body and mind. Therefore, having a sound sleep for more than 6 hours is critical.

Now that you've read my tips on how to lose belly fat naturally, it should be easier to understand how to deal with losing weight!

You can find more health and fitness tips at [http://effectivefitnessprograms.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexander_Persson

The Triple Attack to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Belly fat, you don't want it, you can't hide it... and no matter what you do, you can't seem to get rid of it! And once you look in the mirror and see the belly fat hanging down, I know you want to get rid of it fast.

You need the "Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast". I'll tell you what you need to hear, (not necessarily what you want to hear), to lose belly fat fast... and get rid of those love handles and that beer belly once and for all!

So if you're willing to hear the truth about losing fat fast, and do something about it, you can develop the washboard six pack, flat stomach, lean abdominals you've always wanted... absent of the belly fat that has been keeping you from performing, feeling and looking your best!

The Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast!

Many of you have tried endless crunches and sit ups in search for the six pack look... only to end up tired and frustrated with muscles hidden by layers of fat. Others have tried reduced calories diets to lose belly fat... and even after all the sacrifices, ending up with more belly fat than when you started. It seems like nothing works.

The reason... losing belly fat cannot be accomplished, (for most), by the exclusive use of either exercise or diet. As a matter of fact you need a triple attack to lose belly fat fast!

Your belly fat is a RESULT of your workout program, nutrition plan and lifestyle... so to reduce belly fat you must CHANGE what you do, what you eat and how you live.

It IS as simple as that!

To lose belly fat fast you must...

- burn belly fat through exercise...

- lose belly fat through proper diet...

- avoid belly fat through healthy lifestyle.

And yes, you must do all three if you want to lose belly fat fast... no "can I do only one" or "there has to be an easier way". And no, there aren't any super fat loss pills or magic potions you can take to lose belly fat fast.

I told you it might not be what you want to hear!

Belly Fat Attack #1... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Exercise

In order to get rid of that embarrassing belly fat... you must exercise to burn fat.

I know what your thinking... "I tried that, and it didn't work!" And you're right... most exercise programs won't significantly help you lose belly fat fast. You must combine resistance training to build muscle, intense cardio to burn calories and targeted ab exercise to firm and tighten your mid-section and stomach area.

Only be combining all three methods of exercise will you begin to build the body that will drive belly fat into extinction. Because after all, this type of exercise does not just destroy belly fat... it builds a muscular, attractive body!

But no amount of exercise will make up for a poor diet, so...

Belly Fat Attack #2... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Proper Diet

In order to expose the firm, tight core you develop through exercise... you must lose belly fat through proper diet and nutrition.

Oh no, I said the 4 letter word "diet". By "diet" I don't mean those restrictive calorie diets you tried before... only to end up with more belly fat than when you started. As a matter of fact... don't concentrate on only reducing calories!

Don't focus on what you can't eat... focus on how you should eat to make belly fat a distant memory. Eat properly, embrace healthy eating habits and improve metabolism... and the belly fat will come off!

If you've been paying attention so far, you would have realized I have changed the classic axiom of "Exercise More, Eat Less" to "Exercise Better, Eat Better"!

But exercise and diet are not the only things you can do to lose belly fat fast...

Belly Fat Attack #3... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Healthy Lifestyle

There is more to life than exercise and diet... your body is a dynamic organism, reacting and adapting to all outside and inside influences. Therefore, don't sabotage your exercise and diet efforts with an unhealthy lifestyle and low self image. Drinking, smoking, stress, poor sleeping habits, low self image, etc. all effect your body and can contribute to the accumulation of belly fat.

Getting rid of excess belly fat can actually lower high blood pressure... a major health risk. Reduce stress, and you create an environment where belly fat fails to thrive. Last, but certainly not least, improve self image to ensure long term leanness... and you'll keep the bell fat off forever.

The Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast works... but exactly how it is applied by each individual will be unique to that individual. While there is probably room for improvement in all the areas of exercise, diet and lifestyle... there is usually one area that is more of a problem than the others. To start seeing RESULTS for your efforts faster... focus on your biggest problem area first!

Change what you do (effective fat loss workout), what you eat (a healthy diet) and how you live (habits that support your diet and exercise) and you WILL lose belly fat fast.

Coach Eddie Lomax knows that to lose belly fat fast you must use the best combination of fat loss workout, proper diet and healthy lifestyle. He uses this criteria to rate the best fat loss workouts of trusted trainers on: [http://www.bestfatlossworkout.com] Find your best fat loss workout [http://www.bestfatlossworkout.com] and get rid of belly fat fast starting today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eddie_Lomax

Burn Stomach Fat the Lazy Way - How to Reduce Stomach Flab While Lying in Your Bed

Here's how to burn stomach fat the lazy way. Basically, I'm going to show you how to reduce stomach flab while you lie on your bed. Only takes a few minutes a day too. It's easy, quick, and you can do it while you watch tv. You don't have an excuse to NOT do these!

How to Reduce Stomach Flab

1. The "hot hands" belly rub

This is what you do...

Rub your hands together. Do this for 25 seconds or whatever. Just create some kinetic heat on them. Then, while you lie down on your bed, rub circles around your belly button. Do this for 20-30 seconds.

Then stop... rub your hands together for another 10 seconds... and repeat. Do this for a total of 2-3 minutes, twice a day for best results.

Once in the morning and once at night.

The theory behind why this works... the heat from your hands basically burn off fat cells in your stomach. The heat passes directly past your skin and into the fat cells.

The heat basically burns them alive. They don't like heat. Now, it'll take some time to get rid of all the fat cells doing this, but repeated exposure to this type of heat will eliminate and burn the stomach fat out.

2. The isometric ab squeeze

This helps to flatten your abs. What you do is tighten up your abs and squeeze them together. As hard as you can. Then hold for as long as you can.

Release, rest a few seconds, then repeat. This also can be done while lying on your bed. I suggest you do it for 3-6 minutes a day, depending on how quickly you want to solve your belly fat problem.

If you want to burn stomach fat without having to do much of anything, I can't think of a better way to reduce stomach flab as fast and easy as with these 2 techniques.

Want more secrets to burn stomach fat? Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com for your FREE 19-PAGE report "How SPINNING Around Like a Child Skyrockets your Weight Loss".

WHY get it? BECAUSE reading this article shows you're NOT 100% HAPPY with your body. Today you can fix it. The report will help you lose 10+ pounds, balance your hormones, and give you tons of energy.

I think you're committed to losing weight BECAUSE you read this article. That's an important 1st step. If weight loss truly is a PRIORITY for you, then click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get the free report. 12,000+ women are using the report to lose weight... why not you?

Jennifer Jolan

PS. Click my name at the top of this article to view my author profile and 420 articles I wrote.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

Best Way to Get Flat Abs

Put across this question to anyone or scratch the Internet to find out which is the best way to get flat abs fast and you will get nine out of ten people telling you it is the ab exercises. Some of them even recommend you to stress more upon the crunches. Fine, the question is how quick are the ab exercises to give you your desired flat abs and is it enough to pursue just the abdominals. The answer is unfortunately not. Read on.

You must look back as to how you got yourself into the position of wanting to get flat abs even before venturing out to check what the abs exercises look like. Don't make a mistake; abdominal exercises are only a part of a comprehensive abdominal rehabilitation program, which essentially requires you to adapt to strict disciplines of diet, exercises and follow through.

To Get Flat Abs You Have To Forget Alcohol
To get flat abs, you need to give up alcohol completely if you are used to it. Internet exercise gurus may tell you that a large a day will do no harm but you will only be exercising the extra calorie you gained drinking your peg last night. Alcohol, in any amount releases large amounts of free oxygen when absorbed into your blood stream, which enhances appetite by leaps and bounds.

Flat Abs Actually Comes Cheap!
You are going to cut down on intake of red meat specifically and all meats in general because meat is the richest source of unsaturated fatty acids besides being a source of proteins. If you are a regular to eat meat, not only you will find it an uphill task to exercise for your ultimate goal of flat abs but also difficult to maintain the status quo because you will be only working out to burn the daily fat you are adding.

Eat more leafy and green vegetables, pulses and grams; overnight soaked raw pulses are pretty rich bags of proteins and it would be best when they are sprouted. The basic idea is to keep things simple for your digestive and metabolic system so that all that you eat is assimilated completely.

Tricks For Effective Abs Exercises
Here are some simple but often overlooked tips for better ab exercises.

1. The more you exercise the better.

2. Having someone standing besides you when exercising your abs, particularly when you are a beginner, is good for constraining your bodily motions to precision.

3. Compensate for the calories lost by eating the soaked pulses, which are mostly proteins & vitamins; avoid milk, eggs, coffee or anything that adds fat.

The adage - no pain, no gain - is right. Also true is the older saying that Rome was not built in a day. Patience, perseverance with your abdominal exercises only pays back.

It is all about precisely knowing what to do, how to do and finally what mistakes to avoid when it comes to ab exercises [http://www.healthgenie.org/corkscrew-exercises-1.php] no matter whether it is for general fitness or the sexy six packs. Check out Alevoor Rajagopal's result oriented abdominal exercises to be on target. Thank you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alevoor_Rajagopal

Best Abs Exercises For Women - Tips on How to Have Great Abs

Who doesn't want to have a great body? Women like men want to have a voluptuous and gorgeous build. Some are doing everything just to have the shape that they want. As a result, many people overdo lots of routines and instead of achieving a great cut they would end up like a woman in a man's body. Most women want to have a flat toned stomach in an instant. But this cannot be achieved like any instant noodles, just add water and its ready to eat. A woman must follow certain workouts and nutrition in order to achieve such a goal. It is best to go to the gym. Some would hate this idea since most women today doesn't want to be dictated. They don't want to hear their instructor shouting, "That's not how to do it... do these and that... don't eat these, eat that! That is why most women purchase their own set of equipment with instructional DVDs to keep themselves away from their annoying instructors.

Best abs exercises for women can be done at the comfort of your home it will only take few minutes daily. And the result also comes quick, usually within 10-12 days. But it must be done in a proper way. These exercises should be accompanied with proper diet or nutrition. A person engaged in strenuous exercises must be aware of what one should eat. Women usually don't want to eat after having theses exercises. Because they believed that eating too much after having these exercises will result in bringing back the calories and fats that they have removed. Wrong! A person engaged in this type of exercises should eat what they want to eat. The reason for this is that during exercise a person should burn only the unwanted fats. If they don't eat they will burn not only the unwanted fat but the good fats as well.

Here are some of the best abs exercises for women:

o The traditional abdominal wheel is still the best. Roll with your body back and forth so as to produce a nice tension in the abdominal muscles. Women don't have to be troubled about having 6 pack tummies because women will not be having this. It will only produce a nice toned flat abdomen. This exercise needs 5 minutes a day only.

o One of the most sought after best abs exercises is the vacuum pose. This type of routine is classified as isometric exercise, thus it creates a different amount tension in the abs. Again, it will not create a 6 pack abs. This routine will only flatten and tone down the abdominal area. This is done by sucking the lower abs and holds the tension for the longest time possible. Do it at 10 second (minimum time) each instance a woman sucks. Do this repeatedly for 5 minutes daily. A woman will achieve the best abs in just 4 weeks or less.

Who says that abs is for men only? If a woman uses these two abs exercises, one will see a great change in just 10-12 days. And this will not be just an ordinary abs. Try it!

Check Out Six Packs Fast Program for anyone who would like to get see results Fast.

Also Read how to get motivation, healthy food recipes, and more tips which you can find this plan at http://www.sixpackdiet.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Evelyn_De

How To Bulk Up Your Arm Size With These Proven Muscle Building Workouts For Biceps And Triceps

When you start on muscle building workouts, it is natural for you to expect your arms to become bigger when you are lifting weights. In fact, most people who lift weights are on a quest to increase the size of their arms. Only some of these people manage to do so, while others do not achieve as much in spite of increasing amount of exercise targeted at building up the arm muscles.

The reasons for this are simple - most people on muscle building workouts tend to concentrate on their arm muscles more than the other muscles of their body. There is a limit on the extent to which the arm muscles can grow in the absence of similar development in the other large muscles of the body such as the leg and back muscles. In addition, these people tend to focus more on exercising their biceps unknowing of the fact that the triceps account for almost three-quarters of your arm. If you are serious about increasing the size of your arms, you should be exercising your triceps more than your biceps.

There is also the inherent bias that people have when it comes to muscle building workouts, they tend to do more and work harder in those exercises that focus on the arms rather than working equally on all body parts. They tend to forget that when you do your chest and back routines in lifting, you need your biceps and triceps.

There are plenty of muscle building workouts that when coupled with the right training program, can give you the arms that you always wanted. One such routine is given here, and each set of exercises is to be done back to back with no break between sets:

To exercise biceps - perform one rep chin up followed by a biceps curl using dumbbells or barbells

To exercise triceps - perform one rep dip followed by triceps extension using a single dumbbell in both hands

The important thing here in the chin up and dip is to do them slowly - you can start off with 30 seconds to raise yourself, and another 30 to lower yourself; you need to keep extending the duration until you can go up to 60 seconds. Then it is time to add weight and repeat the process.

Be careful not to overtrain your arms. 2-week long sessions interspersed with rest periods, with not more than three such routines per week will see your arms grow bigger in a very short time.

Get effective training and Muscle Building Workouts that will get you big and ripped in less than 30 days!

To add muscle mass and get ripped faster than you ever thought possible, CLICK HERE

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_J_Philips

How to Build Muscle For Bigger Arms

With shirt sleeve weather here, the desire for bigger arms increases. Everyone knows the basic arm exercises, but it's how you assemble an entire workout for arms that matters. Understand that there are variables in training that affect how successful things will be that have nothing to do with the actual weight lifting routine itself. If applied properly though, this arm blasting session will add inches to your arms.

Unlike some, I do not work my bi's with the back and tri's with the chest. If you want arms, then work your arms. But take this into consideration when training your other muscle groups. After this arm workout, chest and back sessions will be affected by "tired" arms. Rest and plan accordingly.

All exercises are 5 sets, pyramided, with the 4th set being the heaviest. The first and second set are 10 reps, third is 8, fourth is 6 and the last is done to total failure (should be 10 or so reps). Given the low rep count your weight for each set should be as heavy as possible. For example weights would be, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 70% of max for the 5 sets. Rest 90 seconds between each set. For maximum effectiveness follow this routine in the exact order given:

Barbell curls - Have your back against a wall.

Triceps extension - use a machine for these.

Hanging biceps using EZ curl bar/ weighted dips - alternating sets. This is the difference maker!

Alternating bicep curl/EZ curl bar triceps extension - alternating sets. Use a bench for these set at greater than 45 degrees.

As a guide I use 5% more than my body weight on the hanging biceps curl on the fourth set and 5% more than my maximum bench weight for weighted dips. Hanging biceps curl is performed on a bench set at 45 degrees, laying face down, so your arms dangle to the floor. Most people slack on the weighted dips. DON'T! If you weigh 175 pounds and you can bench 275, than hang MORE THAN 100 pounds for your dips. And by the way, if you can't bench AT LEAST a 100 pounds more than you weigh, you should NOT be focusing on arms so much. You should be doing more compound moves, but I digress.

This weight lifting routine should take around 45 minutes to complete. I like to finish with a fast set of 21's at a low weight for bi's and immediately follow it with a set to failure of body weight dips to get the blood flowing and have that pump that let's me and everybody else know that we built big arms today! Lastly, and as important as the workout itself, consume at least 30 grams of quick release protein within 30 minutes.

I use muscle building supplements [http://www.muscleandhealth.org/] for this as time to prepare a protein based meal is limited.

Steve R. Robbins has been a life long fitness enthusiast. Has the distinction of being able to run a marathon and bench press twice his weight in the same day. All at the age of 52. Editor and regular contributor to MuscleandHealth.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_R_Robbins

How to Build Muscle Quickly - Bicep 21 Curls For Big Arms

If you want to learn how to build muscle quickly, you likely want to develop some big arms. Here's an effective bicep routine which will blast your arms into massive new growth.

Bicep 21 curls have been around a while, yet most trainees rarely do this routine. Why? Because it is pretty brutal and it hits your biceps so hard that doing it every work out would be considered over training. Most people who do bicep 21's will only do them once a month, they are that powerful.

Here's how to do perform 21's:

Warm up your biceps sufficiently, doing light weight curls. When you are ready get a barbell with a weight you could curl for normally for 10-12 reps.

Here we go. Your first set of 7 reps are going to be partial "half curls", from the bottom straight arm position, to just parallel with the chest, then back down. Next you will do 7 reps starting from the parallel chest position all the way up to the full curl ending position. Again, these will be half curls.

Finally, you will do your last 7 reps as full curls, from bottom position all the way to top. This will be a total of 21 reps, and your biceps should be blazing.

Trainees who do this routine extremely intensely, slow and controlled, with a heavy weight, will be unable to perform another set of 21's. Their biceps will be fried.

But other trainees may include another set or two of 21's if they didn't nail it the first time through.

Want to learn how to build muscle quickly and develop a whole new physique in only 6-12 weeks?

This is an excellent, fast working routine which packs on muscle quickly and effectively. Check it out right here - http://sizegirth.com/How-to-build-muscle-quickly.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chess_McDoogle

Huge Muscle Building Arm Muscle Exercises

Huge arms. That's one of the first things that attract the eye of those who are paying their first visit to a gym. Bulging arm muscles are great for attracting the ladies, and really super for getting respect from the guys that don't have them. You can tell when someone is really proud of their arm muscles if they cut off their sleeves to give them some "breathing room." Hey, what the heck. If you have them - flaunt them. If, on the other hand, you don't have any arm muscle mass to speak of, you'd best keep the arms covered until you can practice some muscle building exercises to build those muscles up for "show time."

In their quest to build up their muscles, a lot of beginners go off half cocked when selecting forearm muscle building exercises, and go about arm training all wrong. Using the wrong arm exercises will get you working out and sweaty, but it won't do much for your muscles. If you are really serious about building up huge arms, take the time to discover which arm exercises are the best.

Your arms have two main muscle groups: the biceps and the triceps, and of course the forearm muscles. The arm, although biologically complex, is a simple mechanical device. You need only one motion to work the biceps and triceps. Additional secondary arm muscle building exercises are also beneficial in providing some diversity in the challenges that you impose upon these muscles. The following exercises have historically proven to be the most beneficial to building up huge arm muscles. Remember, however, it's not only the exercise that's important, but also the frequency, the number of repetitions for each set, and the number of sets performed.

Working Biceps

Dumbbell Curls and Barbell Curls: Your biceps respond quickly to a pulling motion, making the standard curl the primary exercise for the biceps. The most effective formula for performing this exercise is three to four sets at around twelve reps per set. This in an ideal arm exercise for building muscle mass.

Hammer Curls: Perform this arm exercise using dumbbells. They focus upon working a different area of the biceps.

Reverse Curls: These curls simply use a reverse grip on the barbell to work a different area of the biceps.

Working Triceps

Close Grip Bench Press: This is recognized as a great exercise for building arm muscle. Using three to four sets at around twelve reps per set is a good routine for this exercise.

French Press (Skull crushers): This exercise is performed by holding a single dumbbell with both hands extended over your head, while sitting on a back-supported bench.

Tricep Kickbacks: This exercise is performed with dumbbells while kneeling on a bench with your back parallel to the floor. You kick your tricep back.

Cable Push-Downs: With this arm muscle exercise, you'll see significant gain. Use a V-shaped handle grip.

If you want to find more information about arm muscle exercises, Please click the muscle building program [http://www.aboutbuildmuscle.com/] named muscle gaining secrets. It is a proven program of step-by-step guide to help you gain more muscle mass. Read the muscle gaining secrets review [http://www.aboutbuildmuscle.com/Muscle-Gaining-Secrets-Review-Scam-Does-Muscle-Gaining-Secrets-Really-Work.html?id=61] for more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_A_Bush

Muscle Gaining Secrets Review - The Best System For Weight Gain and Muscle Growth

For the last 25 years I have read everything on gaining muscle that I could possibly get my hands on. So when Jason Ferrugia sent me a copy of his book for a review I was excited to see what the hype was about. Muscle Gaining Secrets is used by bodybuilders and has testimonials from professional athletes. I had to see what made this system so successful and decided to write this Muscle Gaining Secrets review for the benefit of anyone thinking about picking it up.

I can spot B.S. a mile away when it comes to bodybuilding and weight training because I've used just about every method out there to see what works. Muscle Gaining Secrets is like a compilation of taking the best of everything that actually works and putting it into a comprehensive manual. It's one of the few books that I could recommend for the beginner all the way to advanced trainee.

This Muscle Gaining Secrets Review is going to focus on the benefits of the system. It includes detailed exercise descriptions with pictures which is great for someone that is still getting to know there way around the gym. It includes in depth workout programs using smart periodization techniques and core movements that add to fast muscle growth. Muscle Gaining Secrets by Jason Ferugia also includes meal charts to help you make sure you are getting the optimum level of calories to gain muscle fast. There are also recipes to help you find your way around the kitchen.

I consider this system an all inclusive complete blueprint for fast muscle growth. This is the roadmap that will ensure your success over the next couple of years. The only downside for some people will be the $77 price tag but I consider that a drop in the bucket considering I know guys that spend hundreds of dollars on supplements and don't have a pound of muscle to show for it. If they had invested $77 into this program and followed the workouts and nutritional guidelines they would have saved a ton of money and had an incredible physique to show for it.

Stop wasting money on supplements and invest in a road map to success like Muscle Gaining Secrets. Can you honestly say you have a blueprint that will get you huge and ripped? Gain Weight Fast with the top rated programs for developing massive muscles and getting ripped fast! Save yourself the trouble of wasted efforts.

Weight Gain Tips and more articles on the latest and greatest muscle building supplements, muscle building articles, and strength development.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Porter

Best Exercise to Gain Muscle - 5 Exercises to Boost Your Muscle Growth

In order to be successful in building muscle mass, you should be aware about the best exercise to gain muscle. But this does not mean that you will limit yourself to doing these same exercises in the gym over and over again. These are simply exercises that you must include in your workout routine, and if you are already doing these types of exercises, then put more emphasis on them than the other workout exercises that you do.


Most fitness buffs are aware that doing squat exercises is important if you are trying to build muscles, and what to have bigger legs. When you do squats, make sure that you arch your back well, from the time that you pick the weight until you rack it. Also, your head must be at your back, and your chest out, while your feet must be spread a little wider than your shoulder width.


Deadlift exercises are best done on those days that you are working out your back areas. This exercise is best for gaining overall strength and building thickness on the mid up to the lower portion of your back. You can do deadlift exercises at anytime during your workout, but it is better to do such exercises on the later part of your workout routine.

Bench Press

Some fitness experts call the bench press exercises as the "bread and butter" to building the chest area, and it's also one of the best exercise to gain muscle. Bench press helps to build the muscles on your chest area, as well as the triceps at the back of your arms and the front deltoid shoulder muscles as well. This exercise can be done either with barbells or dumbbells, or with the use of a Smith machine, which constrains the path of the barbell, making the exercise moves a little bit easier.

Military Press

When it comes to working out your shoulders, military press is the best exercises for this. Military press is the perfect exercise for getting a wide and thick look on the upper portion of your body, and this exercise is in fact, considered as the King of all shoulder exercises. It trains the front as well as the side portion of the deltoids, and lifting from a seated position is more stringent than doing it while standing.

Straight Leg Deadlifts

This exercise must be part of your hamstring workout. Straight leg deadlifts is just a simple exercise, although it can be devastating if you do not do it in the right form and movement. And just like regular deadlifts, make sure to keep your lower back arched, while your chest is up, and head back.

If you just incorporate all of this best exercise to gain muscle in your workout program, then you will certainly get the results that you want - a lean and perfect body with bulk muscles. Perform as intense as you can, while making sure that you are doing it in the right form, and you will definitely obtain the maximum benefits of your workout routine. And if you can, try to include some other exercises on your workout program, aside from these five exercises.

Now that you know the top exercises, check out an effective workout routine example on gain muscle workout plan. Be sure to visit my site on Gaining Weight Fast to receive free tips and guidelines in the right way to build muscle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Nolan_Hill

Glutamine: The Best Supplement For Muscle Growth?

There's a lot of discussion about glutamine supplement benefits, regarding whether it's an excellent building muscle supplement or not. Glutamine is actually only favored by certain individuals, as opposed to creatine, which happens to be regarded as a "no brainer" building muscle supplement in the world of bodybuilders.

As reported by some people, the actual advantages of glutamine as a supplement for bodybuilding has as of yet, never been completely confirmed. Right up until a little while ago, glutamine was regarded as a "must-have" product for just about any bodybuilder. However, recent reports show how the advantages of glutamine as a building muscle supplement were significantly overrated.

So, is it best to include glutamine on your own list as being an essential bodybuilding supplement? Let's take a closer look at this supplement, and then you can decide for yourself:

65% of the amino acids in the human body happen to be made up of glutamine, but one should bear in mind that it's a "non-essential" amino acid, meaning that your body will make it out of various other amino acids whenever you have a shortage.

Your amino acids are generally reduced when the body is under stress, which in turn restricts muscle growth. Because of this, it seems sensible for some individuals to include glutamine in their diet plan as a building muscle supplement.

A lot of people also advise that glutamine is essential in order to repair damaged muscles and stop post-exercise muscle tissue pain. Nevertheless, other people advise that since it improves immune system functionality, consuming it prior to a workout could be beneficial in terms of improving strength. On the other hand, existing research doesn't demonstrate beyond all doubt that glutamine is a vital building muscle supplement for bodybuilding.

One intriguing conclusion of the research was the fact that while glutamine works in clinical stress testing, it doesn't do anything whatsoever to boost a workout. Also, the amount of glutamine used in the test would cost a typical bodybuilder up to $1000 per year. Furthermore, the kinds of "stress" which the study represents involved things such as serious burns, AIDS, along with major surgery.

Based on the testing that has been done, the use of glutamine as a building muscle supplement in the course of weight training won't have any effect on muscle efficiency, on body composition, or muscle breakdown.

A study also disproved a few people's thinking that glutamine enhances cell volume. It was likewise demonstrated that exercise-induced immune system diminishment isn't altered by means of glutamine.

One question the research doesn't specifically address, however, is whether glutamine enhances glycogen stores following physical exercise. Nevertheless, a number of bodybuilders claim that this isn't crucial, given that most bodybuilders consume a high-carbohydrate shake following an exercise routine in any case. One final study demonstrated that the body produces as much as 48% more protein if an amino acid drink is actually taken following a workout. Even so, including glutamine into the blend didn't alter protein synthesis.

So, exactly what do you think right now? Is glutamine to be considered a good building muscle supplement for bodybuilders? As is often the case, the real truth lies someplace in between. Although it isn't all the things it had been considered previously, glutamine really does offer a few benefits. For example, it could possibly be considered a great supplement for bodybuilding, considering that one of the most noticeable glutamine supplement benefits involves its ability to re-establishes testosterone levels after a workout.

If utilized in line with some sort of weight loss program, it's also a very good building muscle supplement to obtain that rigid, sculpted appearance. All in all, glutamine is a great option to protect muscle mass if you are hoping to get particularly lean.

Always not knowing what are the actual truths and lies about building muscle supplement? Visit this website: www.perfect-whey-protein.com [http://www.perfect-whey-protein.com] to gain more information about supplements and it's benefits.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Koh

How To Get Big Arms - 3 Super-Size Tips For Bigger Guns

Ask most guys what their muscle building goals are and more than likely a large number will tell you they are aiming to get bigger arms. Big arms have always and will always be a firm testament to strength and power, and nothing is more impressive than a set of bulging biceps that look ready to burst out of your shirt sleeves.

However, the key to discovering how to get big arms is in understanding that the training method is as important as what exercises you actually perform.

Of course it shouldn't need to be said that proper diet and nutrition are essential to see sustained and fast muscle growth in your arms, as in the rest of your body, however in this article I'm going to show you 3 workout tips that you should follow if you're trying to get big arm muscles.

Heavy Weight Sets

The secret to bigger muscle growth is in lifting heavy...however, performing heavy sets at the beginning of your workout can really help to speed things up and get your arms bigger in less time.

Most folks will spend a long time doing high rep numbers on various exercises at the beginning of the workout and leave the heavy lifting until the end.

The problem with this approach is you spend too much time and energy "warming up" that by the time you get to the good stuff (heavy lifting) you've not got the juice left to push your muscles to the next level. Lots of reps may give you a great feeling of "being pumped", but it is not doing much to help you get bigger guns.

Warm up well at the start of your workout with stretching, jogging and push ups, but get into the meat of the workout as soon as possible if you want to get big arms.


Typically for fast muscle growth you'll want to stick to compound multi-joint movements for optimum gains in strength and muscle mass.

However, in order to get big arms it is definitely worth adding some "supersets" of isolation exercises after the heavy lifting.

Supersets are basically two sets of exercises performed one after the other with no rest in between. Typically, in the case of building bigger arm muscles, you should perform a bicep exercise followed by a tricep exercise to maximize the whole development of the arm.

Supersets will increase your arm strength and muscular endurance as well as giving you that great "muscle pump" feeling.

Train 3 Times Per Week

The secret to long-term muscle gain is consistent training. However, many folks make the mistake of performing split workouts where each day is devoted to a different body part. In the end they end up spending around 6 days per week down the gym.

This is not my favoured approach for two reasons:
Each body part tends to only get worked out intensely once per week
Certain muscle groups are being over-trained

If you're looking at how to get big arms, then you should look to work them out 3 times per week, making sure you get at least one full day's rest in between each session.

This training frequency will allow the maximum intensity and effort applied to the muscles while permitting the necessary rest and recovery time for growth.

A correctly designed workout program for how to get big arms will allow you to pair arm exercises together with any chest, shoulder and back exercises, since the arms will be worked indirectly in those exercises too.

Here is a great workout program designed to help you get big arms and a great muscular body ==> Muscle Building Program

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Wheeler

How to Get Big Biceps - 5 Tips For Explosive Biceps, Fast!

How to get big biceps? The question on every beginner/intermediate weight lifter's lips and it's easy to see why!

If you're a casual lifter, obviously having big biceps looks great in a short sleeve t-shirt! If you're lifting more seriously, your biceps can really set you apart from the crowd and ALL the great champions of the past had fantastic biceps including Arnold Schwarzenegger!

So clearly, you're faced with a problem - Your biceps are not growing..or they have grown a bit and then stopped.

Follow these tips below and you'll be straight back on the train to muscle town and have explosive biceps in no time!

Exercise Selection

There are certain exercise that must be included as pure mass builders and for maximum muscle recruitment that cover the two heads of the biceps.

The most basic bread and butter biceps exercise is the standing barbell curl. Where you are standing with feet around hip/shoulder width apart or in a split stance, keeping your elbows close to your sides you take an underhand grip and curl the barbell up towards your shoulders then slowly lower to the start position.

Focus on keeping your shoulder blades pinned back and the only joint moving should be the elbow joint for maximum bicep recruitment.

As well as barbell curls, you may also include the following exercises for maximum effectiveness in my experience. Preacher curls, incline dumbell curls and hammer curls. These are all variation of the barbell curl. If you're unsure how they are performed, ask the trainer at your gym who will know.

Variation !

OK I'm not an advocate of changing your workout every single week to try and "shock" the body but you need to realise that the body is a very adaptive machine and in about 3-4 weeks it will have adapted to your current workout!

I have seen the best results of my life now by cycling my workouts every 4-6 weeks - If you are still progressing, then by all means continue but I would never continue the same program for more than 8 weeks.
What can you vary? The world is your oyster! Rest periods, repetition speed, number of sets, repetition type (21's, rest/pause, negatives etc), bodypart splits etc.

I wouldn't deviate much from the exercises in Step 1 as I've found them most effective but you can occasionally swap one for something else.

Bottom line? Change things up when your results get stale!

Try training biceps on their own.

Commonly, most people's split includes training biceps after their back. Now this isn't necessarily wrong and even I've seen great results with this but try training biceps with triceps or chest and biceps.
The problem might be that your biceps aren't getting enough stimulation after heavy pulling movements for the back that wear your forearms out.

This variation could kick-start your gains.

Training Frequency

here is a fine line between over training or under training. Over train and you tend to plateau, under train and you also tend to regress before progressing back to square 1.

I try to keep and eye on this during my program by measuring my arms. Small changes indicate to me whether I am over training/ under training my arms or not.

If they get smaller before my next bicep workout, I tend to feel like I under trained. If they don't get even fractionally bigger over the course of my 4-6 week program, I know I probably over trained. (Or the program wasn't that effective for my arms at least)

Either way, always keeping track of your progress will allow you to make adjustments and keep gaining! You must do it!

Grab yourself a muscle building program

You may think you know enough about muscle building but how about a second opinion from someone who has proven knowledge? You can never learn enough, right?

I'm not talking about a muscle building program where you just follow one program either. I'm talking about a complete program including meal plans, workouts, theory, supplement guide etc.

There are some muscle building programs that are pure garbage but the ones that are good are like gold dust and will show you how to get big biceps and big muscles full-stop!

Here [ <a target=] is a review page of the best muscle building programs that will show you how to get big biceps and build muscle all over fast!

I hope this article has gone some way to help you understand how to get big biceps! Follow these simple steps and you'll explode your arm growth!

My personal favourite guide is reviewed in detail here - I have used this guide before and have referred to it as a "Secret Weapon" in the past as it really is that powerful.

Check out my review of the best muscle building program now and get one step closer to the body you desire!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Altug_Kop

How to Get Big Biceps Fast - 3 Exercises to Get Big Arms

How to get big biceps is one of the first questions many beginner and amateur bodybuilder ask. In fact, just under 35 million people ask Google this question every month! Why would so many people want to know how to get big biceps? Well put simply, owning a pair of fully defined rock hard biceps will work wonders for anyone's physical appearance, not to mention self confidence. Whether it be for picking up girls or entering into a bodybuilding competition, having big biceps is pure gold. However, knowing how to get big biceps and solely focusing on them is one of the biggest mistakes newbies fall victim to.

Before I get down to the nuts and bolts of building big biceps, first let me give you a quick down and dirty lesson on anatomy...

To build impressive arms like the pro's, you will want to be working the three major muscles that make up the arms.

These being the biceps, triceps and the forearms. Work all three of these muscle groups combined with a balanced training program and nutrition plan and you'll be well on your way to building big guns fast. It's important to note that the bicep itself makes up only 1/3 of the upper arm, therefore the triceps obviously make up the other 2/3 of the upper arm.

OK, lets get into the serious stuff. I'm going to give away 3 of my favorite exercises that I have used to build big biceps and triceps fast.

How To Get Big Biceps Fast - Biceps - Standing Barbell Curl

This exercise without a doubt is the best mass building exercise you can possibly perform to get big biceps. The purpose of the standing barbell curl is to develop overall size of the biceps. It has been a highly regarded exercise throughout bodybuilding history for many pro bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Lou Ferrigno and Ronnie Coleman, just to mention a few. You should make this exercise one of your best friends.

Execution: (1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart and grasp the bar with an underhand grip, hands about shoulder width apart. Let the bar hang down at arms length in front of you. (2) Curl the bar out an up in a wide arc and bring it up as high as you can, with your elbows close to the body and stationary. Fully flex at the top. Lower the weight again, following the same arc and resisting the weight all the way back down to the starting position.

Perform: 3 sets of 6-10 reps (perform 2 light warm-up sets followed by 3 working sets)

How To Get Big Triceps Fast - Triceps - Lying Triceps Extensions

The purpose of this exercise is to fully work the triceps all the way from the elbow down to the lats, in particular, the large inner head of the triceps. The triceps brachii muscle (Latin for "three-headed" muscle of the arm, it is called a three headed muscle because there are three bundles of muscle, each of different origin, joining together at the elbow) is the large muscle on the back of the upper arm which makes up 2/3 the mass of the arm.

Execution: (1) Lie along a bench, your head just off the end with knees bent and feet flat on the bench. Take hold of a barbell (preferably an E-Z curl bar) with an overhand grip, hands about 10 inches apart. (2) Press the weight up until your arms are locked out, but not straight up over your face. Keeping your elbows stationary, lower the weight down past your forehead, then press it back up to the starting position, stopping short of the vertical to keep the triceps under constant tension.

Perform: 3 sets of 6-10 reps (perform 2 light warm-up sets followed by 3 working sets)

How To Get Big Forearms Fast - Forearms - Barbell Wrist Curls

For those that have tried this exercise, you'll understand how incredibly effective it is for building strong flexor muscles and a lock-jaw grip. Having skinny forearms and big biceps/triceps isn't cool so don't neglect this exercise.

Execution: Take hold of a barbell with an underhand grip, hands close together. Straddle a bench with your forearms resting on the bench but with your wrists and hands hanging over the end of the bench. Lock your knees in against your elbows to help stabilize them. (2) Bend your wrists and lower the weight toward the floor. When you can't lower the bar any further, carefully open your fingers a little bit and let the weight roll down out of the palms of your hand.

Roll the weight back up into your hands, contract the forearms, and lift the weight as high as you can without letting your forearms come off the bench.

Perform: 3 sets of 6-10 reps (feel the burn!)

This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as knowing how to get big biceps, triceps, and forearms. Discover how a self-confessed "skinny guy" by the name of Vince Delmonte overcame his "skinny guy genes" and packed on a massive 41 pounds of rock hard lean muscle to become a National Fitness Model champion ==> How To Get Big Arms Fast [http://www.free4allreports.com/bodybuilding/vincedelmontefitness/index.html].

Click here [http://www.free4allreports.com/bodybuilding/vincedelmontefitness/index.html] to download Vince Delmonte's free e-book - "The Top 20 Ways To Screw Up In The Gym".

Want to learn how to pack on lean muscle mass naturally? If you find it impossible to build muscle, this could be the most valuable information you'll get your hands on.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Justin_Dravsnik

Building Muscle Fast - How to Get a Ripped Body by Summer 2010

Many find building muscle fast to be quite difficult. Many give up when they are not seeing any results within a couple weeks of working out. The trick is to not let this discourage you, just because you haven't notice a big difference in your body in the first few weeks doesn't mean that your not getting closer to your goal. You need to stick with it for the long haul to get dramatic results. Losing fat and building muscle won't all happen within a couple weeks, it takes months.

Here are a few tips that will help you start building muscle fast.

1) Follow a Strict Diet Plan - To build muscle quickly, you need to eat the right foods. In fact, some foods can completely erase all the time you have spent working out that past week. So it's best to stick to s strict diet.

Within this diet you want to stick with the 40-40-20 rule, where 40% of your daily intake is protein, 40% is carbohydrates, and 20% is fats.

Protein is very important because protein helps your body build lean muscles.

Carbohydrates is important because it give your body the energy it needs. It's best to stick with high fiber carbohydrates. These will help you feel fuller longer, so you do not overeat.

Fats are very important, but you want to stick to eating healthy fats. Stay away from fats which are man-made, these are found in processed foods.

2) Properly Planned Workout Routine - These may not be so obvious to most, but in order to get the best results the quickest, you need to follow a properly planned workout routine. Many seem to think that performing the same couple exercises for about 3 months will get you ripped, when this is completely false.

For building muscle fast, you have to have a wide variety of exercises and you have to know when to perform each.

You will build muscle very slowly if you repeat the same exercises each workout because your muscles get used to them. Change up your exercises to keep your muscles working their hardest.

3) Sleep - This is important to gain muscle because your muscles do not grow in the gym, they grow when your sleeping. When you're sleeping is when your muscles are repairing and building themselves. It's best to get 8 hours of sleep at night, or at least 6 hours.

By following these tips, you can dramatically change your body, building muscle fast and burn fat fast. You can get that stunning, ripped body you want in just a matter of months.

However, to be sure you follow these tips properly for the best results, it's recommend to follow a program for building muscle fast, so you know exactly what to do. Pro Athlete Trainer, Jeff Cavaliere, has created Athlean-X, which is the exact program he uses with his clients. To find out more, read my Athlean X Review.

To learn the steps to building muscle fast, check out Building Muscle Fast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=R._Huber

Get Big Muscles Fast - How to Get Ripped in Just Weeks Instead of Months Or Years

So you want to get big muscles fast but do not really know where to start? Well I can tell you that two things you must concentrate on are your diet and having a precise workout routine. Here I am going to show you how you can do both of these and have fun getting ripped at the same time. Getting huge muscles is not difficult, it just takes a little bit of time and dedication to achieve your goals.

1. The first thing that you in order to get big muscles fast is to realize your goal and keep your eyes focused on the prize. One thing you can do is hang a picture in your room of someone that you want to look like, because this can be powerful motivation. Motivation is key in getting the results that you desire.

2. Another thing that is very important is that you intake the right kind of foods in your diet in order to get the best results possible. You really want to focus on getting plenty of protein including chicken, shrimp, fish, eggs, and things of that nature. In addition to this their are many great protein bars on the market to help you meet your daily needs.

3. The third thing that you must have is a focused plan of action. Without it you are not going to succeed. You do not have to go to an expensive personal trainer, as many of the best programs can be found right here online. In fact I have seen one of the best ones and what it can do for you and your body. Imagine the self confidence you will have once you get big muscles fast!

Are You Desperate For A Plan Of Action That Will Supercharge Your Muscle Growth and Allow You to Build the Lean Muscle That You Have Always Dreamed Of? One Of The Leading Trainers In The World Is Exposing His Secrets, and With His Help You Will Be On Your Way To Amazing Results In Just Weeks! Learn How To Build Muscle Quick [http://www.Buildhugemuscles.Info] and Be In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

For More Information On This Amazing Muscle Building Program Visit [http://www.Buildhugemuscles.Info] For A Limited Time Offer!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dave_Jarzenski

Isometrics Exercises - 3 Critical Factors to Get Ripped Fast

If you are seeking to gain optimal results from the Isometrics Exercises that you are doing or thinking about doing, then you will want to check out this brief write-up. And discover the 3 top-rated tips for quick strength growth!

Almost everyone is not getting what you could consider great results from their isometrics exercises. If they were to make a few small changes to their work out, they would increase the results by at least 300%.

Within this short write up, I will give you the 3 top strategies that helped me get incredible results from my Iso workouts.

One of the key strategies is to train or workout using Isometrics exercises and Isotonics. Isometric exercises alone will help you build incredible muscle strength. One of the advantages of ISOs is that it will assist you in building greater strength than just about any other exercise or training protocol.

Furthermore, this type of training does a better job at building tendon strength than free weights, or bodyweight exercises. Bear in mind that the amount of weight or resistance that you can use has much more to do with your tendon strength than actual muscular strength. To prove my point, if you were to watch a power lifter working out you would see that he or she incorporates many different partial repetitions or static holds in their workout program.

But, one of the drawbacks of isometrics exercises is that while they help you to develop a great deal of tendon and muscular strength unfortunately, because of the lack of repetition they do not do much in shaping and building muscular size.

That is why one of the best ways to set up your strength training program is to utilize both isotonic and iso exercises into your routine. That way you get the best of both worlds, you will get greater strength gains and muscular size.

Nevertheless, you cannot follow some of the outdated training protocols that are currently being recommended for use in your isometric exercise program. Essentially, what they recommend is that you perform isometrics everyday.

Unfortunately, this type of advice is still being promoted and does not take into consideration the one critical factor that does build muscle size. And that factor is "Rest."

1. In order to grow muscle mass you must continually strive to use more resistance

2. You must eat healthy and nourishing foods,

3. And you must get at least eight hours of sleep each night. While you are sleeping your body releases growth hormone to help, your body recuperate and build new muscle tissue.

If you work out every day is too much the strain on your body system and as a result, you will suffer a plateau.

One way to increase the results from your iso workouts is to utilize isometric exercise equipment or an iso exerciser. These types of devices will allow you to perform more exercises than you could normally do with just free hand Iso's.

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At this website you will find tons of FREE information on how to build muscle quickly, exercise equipment and home gym reviews, sample workouts and videos.

So please visit:

==> The Build Muscle Guide online resource site.

Copyright: Build-Muscle-Guide.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Milano

How to Get Ripped Quick? 5 Muscle Gaining Secrets That Work

Want to know how to get ripped quick? Is it possible or does it really take years and years like many seem to think? The truth is that you can get fast results...when you know a few muscle gaining secrets that almost nobody else does.

The reason the vast majority of workout enthusiasts never seem to see results is that they workout the wrong way.

It's not their fault

You see, there is a lot of bad info out there about the correct way to workout...and if you listen to it you will spend hours in the gym and end up with nothing to show for it. Here are 5 keys to gaining muscle mass you won't hear from most programs.

KEY #1) Spend LESS time in the gym

You heard correctly. Your muscles need time to recover, because during the workout they actually get torn down.

Therefore they need to build themselves back up afterward...which is where rest comes in. Most people don't give themselves anywhere near the time necessary to do so.

2-3 days of vigorous exercising per week is plenty, and any more might actually put you at a greater risk of injury.

KEY #2) Short and intense workouts are best

This is one of the most important muscle gaining secrets...and if you remember nothing else, remember this.

If your exercises drag on and on than you are actually training your body for endurance...not muscle gaining. This is ideal if you want to do a triathlon...but it's not how to get ripped quick.

KEY #3) Do the RIGHT workouts

What are they? They are exercises that target many different areas of the body...because this will give you maximum results for minimal effort. Examples would be squats...deadlifts...and bench presses.

Whether you are doing six pack abs bodybuilding...big bicep exercises...or just want to know how to gain strength fast...these workouts will help you with your goals.

KEY #4) Eat healthy

Despite what you might hear the best way to get nutrition is through natural foods...not artificial supplements. Sure it might take you more time to prepare a good meal then simply popping a supplement...but the results will be well worth it.

KEY #5) Drink plenty of water

Most people don't drink nearly enough... since our bodies are made up of roughly 70% water, it's imperative to drink as much as possible.

If you don't get sufficient water then you will not perform up to your peak. Staying well hydrated is how to gain upper body strength very fast.

To wrap up...

Conventional wisdom is almost always wrong...and the same holds true for how to get stronger and cut. Following these muscle gaining secrets is how to get ripped quick so get started today.

Discover how to gain 10-30 pounds of solid muscle...in less than 8 minutes per day...without supplements...by checking out http://www.gethugemusclesnow.info

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jerrod_Walker

Tips and Secrets on How to Get Ripped Fast

Wondering how to get ripped fast without resorting to shady "miracle" pills? Well, then you must know that this is very possible and it isn't rocket science either. No matter if you're skinny or stout; you can have a lean, ripped, and well-defined physique with the help of the most efficient methods for muscle development. Here are several tips and secrets to getting that ripped body that you have always desired, and in the quickest possible time:

1. Know Your Body Type
Before getting to the juicy bits, it is critical to know about your body type. Are you skinny and want to know how to get ripped fast by building muscle quickly? Or are you the bulky type who wants to lose extra pounds to achieve a lean and fit body? This is very important because the truth is that muscles can't bulk up fast while you burn excess fat away. Once you know your body type, you'll know if you need to lose fat or bulk up and proceed to the next methods on how to get ripped fast.

2. Workout Tips
There's no surefire way on how to get ripped fast without working out. If you're skinny, it's best to focus on compound exercises to build muscle. For the duration and routine, stick to working out for about 45 to 50 minutes only and don't do too much forced repetitions in order to avoid wasting your energy. Your training program should also be split routines at a maximum of 3 days. Also remember not to go overboard on increasing your strength and just go for a 5% increase every two weeks for optimum effect.

For the bulky types, a routine composed of isolated exercises is best for extra calorie burn. You also need to spend more time on your muscle groups and split at around five days. A training period of one hour or an hour and a half also helps for shedding excess weight. Just don't forget to sustain your strength training in order to avoid losing the much-desired muscles.

3. Dietary Tips
Diet is key in learning how to get ripped fast. Skinny guys need to consume about 14 times of their body weight in calories for bulking up their muscles. You may also gain extra calories with the help of nutritional drinks before and after working out. Don't forget to have a big breakfast, as well as generous meals before and after your workout routines. Fitness experts also recommend consuming about 1.5 grams of protein for every pound of lean muscle, and get twice as much carbohydrates for your diet.

On the flip side, bulky people should get their carbohydrates from fruits and veggies, and consume liquid carbohydrates only when working out. It's also best to consume 10 times (or less) of your present body weight in calories to help you lose fat efficiently. As for the carbohydrate and protein consumption, it should be kept at a ratio of 1 is to 1.

Always keep in mind that miracle drugs or supplements are not the secret on how to get ripped fast. If you want to get that dashboard abs, ripped arms, and sculpted chests in the soonest possible time, then follow these tips and work hard to get that lean and shredded body that you've always wanted.

Tommy Steinbeck is a fitness fanatic. He created a site to be a resource page for health and fitness and for those who want to know about rock hard abs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tommy_Steinbeck

Top 3 Muscle Building Tips For Extreme Muscle Growth In Only Weeks

If you follow these muscle building tips you can see positive results in only weeks. Guys who don't follow these tips usually end up looking the same year after year. If only they would've put to work these 3 muscle building tips which are all very simple then they wouldn't have wasted years trying to obtain results they could have experienced in only weeks.

Here we go, time to get big:

1. Train Heavy. You have to lift heavy weights relative to your own fitness level, in order to force your muscles to grow. No, you do not need to train like a powerlifter, but you do need to train heavy. Look at it this way, lifting light weights will tell the muscle the following: "Oh, you just want to just stay the same." While lifting heavier will tell the muscle, "Okay, okay, I get the message, I'm going to grow bigger".

You can train heavy in a very safe manner with good form. Don't think of training heavy as a negative, injury prone activity as it is not when it is done properly. You simply want to choose a weight that you can safely control both in the positive and negative motion for a rep range of 6-8. If you are able to do more reps then the weight is probably too light. If you can do 6-8 reps but you are cheating and your form is bad then the weight is too heavy and you need to go lighter. Remember, the window we want is strong, safe form performed in the rep range of 6-8.

2. Short Workouts. The number one culprit for those not getting big is overtraining. Unfortunately this is a common plague in many muscle building tips especially those found in the magazines. There's a good saying, "if you want to get big, go up to the biggest guy in the gym and ask him what his workout is. Then do the complete opposite." The point to this is that usually the biggest guy in the gym will be a genetic freak. He can walk up a flight of stairs and his quads will grow an inch in circumference (I'm kidding of course, but you get the point).

Genetic freaks can do most anything, including overtraining, and they will get big. Most of them do overtrain and most others read about their routines in the magazines or online and figure that they have to do the same to get big.

It's actual the opposite. Your workouts need to be short and to the point. The genetically average or inferior individual cannot do long routines if they really want to get big.

Go in there and blast your muscles and then leave. Don't keep blasting away at them! Once you've really triggered the muscle then there is no point in triggering it again and again and again. Matter of fact, this is actually harmful and will prevent muscle growth from occurring. Most muscle building tips leave this very important fact out. Short workouts are the best for growth. Go in there and do your warmup set(s) and then just do 1-2 heavy work sets of each exercise and that's it. Don't keep doing more sets. Once you nail the muscle you are done and doing further work will ruin your body's ability to recover and regrow to bigger muscular size.

3. Eat for Muscular Growth. The saying is old, but still true, "you have to eat to grow". Think of it like this: You go into the gym to trigger muscle growth. You go home to eat to fill up those muscles and complete the muscle growth process. You can train heavy with short and intense workouts, but guess what? If you go home and eat a few crackers or some garbage food snacks then you've just KILLED all your efforts at the gym. It's the difference between working your butt off and just getting "slightly toned" and working your butt off and getting "massively buff". If you want the latter, then you are going to have to put your time in at the dinner table.

First and foremost you need protein. Every meal should contain a big form of protein. Lean meats, chicken, tuna, fish, eggs are common protein choices. If you eat 5-6 meals a day, a few of those meals can be protein powder shakes, but for the most part, your big growth meals should be real food meals.

Next you want calories. Along with your protein you want to add a carbohydrate or two and a small amount of fat. For instance you could have some lean meat, brown rice, vegetables, and some nuts. For breakfast you could have eggs, oatmeal, fruit and toast with some peanut butter. You want to try and eat clean, no garbage foods and snacks that will make you fat. It's all about protein and calories to make you bigger and more muscular.

There is an excellent program available for what exactly to eat and how exactly to train. For those wanting a fool proof way to get bigger and want to start right away then this will be for you - http://Gaining-Muscle.blogspot.com

This program includes all of these important muscle building tips mentioned above which will practically force your body into a new muscled up physique in the shortest amount of time possible. Be sure to check out the before and after photos from people who have followed this routine. You will see that they are NOT genetic freaks but were actually very skinny and genetically inferior as kids and young adults. The before and afters can also be found here on this same blog which is linked to the routine - http://Gaining-Muscle.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chess_McDoogle

How To Gain Muscle Fast - Top 3 Tips For Packing On Muscle Weight Quicker Than You Thought Possible

So there are lots of so-called "experts" who will tell you that you can only gain a meager 5 - 10 pounds of muscle per year max. Well this is hogwash. The TRUTH is that if you follow the three simple tips I'm going to give you right now, you can pack on twice... three times... even four times that amount! So lets get right into it.

Fast Muscle Building Tip #1: Use Free Weights And Compound Lifts.

I see guys in the gym all the time doing cable rows, dumbbell flys, cable crossovers, and leg extensions. Now that's all fine, but not if you want to gain muscle as fast as possible. In order to elicit a gigantic growth response from your body you need to use free weights and do compound lifts. I'm talking deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, squats, etc.

Fast Muscle Building Tip #2: Lift Heavy Things.

This should come as no surprise. You need to lift heavy weight in order to grow. But this is where most guys also get confused. How heavy is heavy enough? Well, as a rule of thumb, you should use weights that you can't lift for more than 12 reps max. Anything under 12 reps will help to build size and strength, which is what we're after here. Of course there's all sorts of "ins-and-outs" to your workout routine that will ensure you're growing fast that is beyond the scope of this article. So we'll save that for another time.

Fast Muscle Building Tip #3: Eat Big.

This is where most guys drop the ball. They train like a monster in the gym, then they go home and eat like a newborn infant. If you want your body to grow fast you need to consume a large amount of calories every day. I don't have room to go into all the details of your diet in this article, but to give you a starting point, you should be eating around 20 times your bodyweight in calories every day.

Attention Skinny Guys: Grab this FREE Report and see how to QUICKLY add pounds of solid muscle mass to your skinny frame...

Inside, you'll also discover the 7 biggest mistakes most hardgainers make that KEEPS THEM SKINNY and prevents rapid muscle gains... Click Here to grab the free report and start gaining mass!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_A_Wolfe

Top Tips For Building Muscle Mass Fast!

3 secret tips to adding muscle mas to a skinny frame is really no secret.

The real trick is make sure you do all three,if you are missing just one of these muscle building tips you may halt your progress completely. What are the muscle building secret tips?

First and most important if have problems gaining muscular body weight is make sure your nutrition program is in place. You have to make sure your daily calorie intake is more than the calories your burn per day. Sounds logically right,seems like common sense.

But the truth is many people both men and women really get this part wrong. You need to be eating at least six to eight meals a day.

And in order to put on weight I would suggest a 40 percent protein, 40 percent complex carbohydrates and 20 percent good fats omega fatty acids and C.L.A (conjugated linoleic acid) Right now I am bulked up pretty good so my food ratio is more like 50 percent protein, 30 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent fats.

And since you are concerned about adding some good quality muscle to your frame you should eat a high protein moderate carbohydrate meal before bed time, yes I know everyone says not to eat before bed, but that is if you are trying to lose weight, not if you are trying to gain muscle mass.

And always eat a high carbohydrate and high protein meal right after your workout (this is very important) I would even go as far as to get a whey and egg protein supplement, milk cream, and 3 tea spoons of honey and a banana a mix it in a blender and drink it down right after your work out.

The 2nd muscle mass building secret tip: High intensity workouts. And when I say high intensity, muscle using high intensity workouts using mainly compound exercises.

You are going to have to really put those muscles under a great deal of stress to break them down. This forces your body to try to adapt to the stress the muscles have been placed under (called the over load principle).

3rd Muscle building tip: Rest! Not only do I mean a good night sleep witch is extremely important to your muscle building routine. A lot of people think that the workout produces muscles, this is not really true. The work out is just the catalyst. The workout breaks down the muscles and the muscles grow and rebuild while you are resting.

Now the other rest that you need to remember help build your muscles is the rest you take between days of intense workouts. When you do a intense workout you need at least a day or two between workouts so you muscles can fully recover!

Without the proper amount of rest you will end up in a state of over training and you will not build muscles fast, and you may stop your muscle building progress entirely! And remember always consult your doctor before starting any workout. And remember, when you enter the weight room be like the Spartan warriors"No retreat, No surrender"!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Knight

Building Muscle For the Hard Gainer - Top 6 Tips

A Blessing and a Curse

On the one hand you are blessed - You have never been able to gain weight, fat is simply not an issue. People tell you are lucky, that they wish they had a metabolism like yours.

On the other hand you are cursed - You can't gain weight no matter what you try, coat hanger, chicken legs and twig features are the regular nicknames and you can't fill a t-shirt unless it's your sister's.

Being skinny isn't even necessarily healthy. It's true that heart disease and other life threatening illness are often linked to obesity but just avoiding being fat will not keep you in shape on the inside, you can still be slim and seriously unwell. Fortunately being healthy is a handy side effect of the sort of diet and exercise regime you need to grow muscle... bonus!

Just adding muscle and getting bigger isn't the sole aim of all of this though, it's about how it will make you feel. A guy with a good well muscled physique breeds confidence, he feels secure about his physical presence, his looks and his attraction to the opposite (or same) sex. Being a skinny hard gainer doesn't mean this isn't available to you... it just requires some solid hard work and a smart approach to exercise and nutrition.

If you would like to take your top off and be proud, not lose your arms in a shirt and actually get a butt of some sorts then this article will set you off in the right direction

I'm a Hard Gainer Too

I am 26 years old, stand a proud 1.84m tall, weigh 83 kilos and have 6.5% body fat, that isn't much by the way, enough for a visible 6-pack anyway. In saying this I don't mean to boast or show off, just to demonstrate that it is possible to drastically change your body for the better... if done in the right way.

I didn't always look like this is the point I am trying to get at. When I was 19 I had skinny arms and legs, no butt, a flat but undefined stomach and a slouchy posture. I wanted to do something about it but wasn't sure what was the best route so I bought some dumbbells, started to eat what I thought was a bit healthier and expected great things... they didn't really happen. I continued reading health magazines and researching on the internet and got a bit more clued up, joined a gym and started to notice some small results. It continued like this for a number of years slowly educating myself and making little gains. After a lot of time and money invested, eventually through meeting the right people and getting the right advise about nutrition and exercise I found the best combination to gain lean muscle fast and maintain it.

You don't need to spend years researching and experimenting to get the results I did. You can have it all a lot faster than you think if follow the right advice and do things right from the get go. The 5 tips I am going to share with you below are just the start of the knowledge you need that will take you from being a scrawny hard gainer to a nicely muscled guy who will always stay lean and defined because of his rapid metabolism.

Building Muscle for the Hard Gainer - Top 6 Tips

1) Little and Often

Eating relatively small amounts of food on a regular basis is a great way to speed up your metabolism, the last thing we wanted right? True, but it is also the best way to get your body to absorb the protein and carbs that help to build you muscles. Get the right things in you at the right time and you'll soon be adding cm to you biceps.

2) Go Hard or Go Home

You don't have to spend hours at a time in the gym - so when you are there... make it count!! 45 - 60 mins of intense lifting to failure is enough to tear your muscle fibres (not as drastic as it sounds) and get them re-growing bigger and stronger. Learn the difference between really working to failure and just stopping when it hurts a bit. Then train to that intensity all the time, every time and you will well on your way to the hallowed M size t-shirts!

3) Know Your Carbs

There a certain types of carbohydrates that release their energy into your system fast ie rice. There are others that release their energy slowly ie. beans and pulses. When you eat the different types of carbs will determine whether you put muscle on or not and also decide if it's ripped up lean muscle or muscle with a bit of fat. Try eating high energy, quick release carbs in the two meals directly after training for some nice results.

4) Take it Easy

Resting your muscles and giving them to chance to recover from the slamming you just gave them in the gym is paramount to their growth. As I mentioned earlier when we are lifting to failure we actually put small tears in the muscle fibres which then grow back stronger. If we don't rest those muscles then they will never re-generate properly and growth won't be achieved. Give your muscles a break and try splitting your routine or training every two days.

5) Power of Protein

Our muscles are actually made up of protein so it makes sense that protein is absolutely key to building muscle, so important in-fact that it needs to be included in each and every meal you eat. Good places to find it in are meat, fish, eggs, milk and of course protein supplement! Take your body weight, multiply it by 3 to get the total amount of grams of protein you need in a day and then divide it by the amount of meals you need to eat ie. 6 and you have the quantity of protein you need each time you eat. Sound complicated... it can be at first and you may need some help!

6) Yes Coach!

Using a coach or mentor with all the right knowledge, advise and experience who can educate and guide you is best way to achieve anything. Muscle growth is no different. A good Personal Trainer will support you step by step - selecting the right exercises, teaching you the right techniques and telling you the right foods to eat. Using a PT is the only way to fast track your results and educate yourself in the art of building and maintaining lean muscle.

Apply some or all of these tips to your training and diet and you will be getting on track to achieving that nicely muscled body you thought was always out of reach.

Nick Randall is a Personal Trainer with PLAY - Fun, Fitness and Performance based on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. I am very passionate about healthy eating, exercise and overall well being and my life revolves around keeping the health of myself and others in the best condition possible. I love writing about these subjects and as a result my work comes straight from the heart and is normally just general thoughts and musings put down onto paper.

Other interests include golf, surfing, reading, chess and watching practiacally all forms of sport on TV!

For more articles, videos, pics and info please check out our website at http://www.playfitness.com.au

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nick_Randall

Top 10 Tips to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

Congratulations, and thank you for taking interest.

The first step to any weight loss and muscle building is by doing some research and finding real methods that do work on helping you shave off those pounds and replace them with some additional muscle.

So what is the best way to lose fat and gain muscle? Well it depends on how far you willing to take your new fitness venture and what lengths you are willing to go. Bottom line is, exercise and healthy diet is key in losing those pounds and creating that flirty/strong body. Problems then start to occur, is when you start a you start your routine but after a few days or weeks you seem to loose focus and fail to keep eating healthy and exercising. So how do you keep to a routine? Well, as you are reading this article, in fact at the moment you are burning energy, not a lot, but there is some sort of exercise. In your every day life you are burning energy, whether is walking to the bathroom, sitting on your chair or fetching something from the printer. Everything you do burns some amount of energy. So now how does one use your every day life duties help assist in losing weight and building muscle?

Firstly, find out what you do a lot with your body in your daily life, and try make a it a little but more challenging. By this I mean, I am a computer developer, and most of my day I sit and type code to produce websites and applications. So my hands and arms in use the most. So sit with additional weights on my arms to make it more challenging, and by end of the day, there is a huge difference with my arms.

Food wise, its tough follow a strict diet, so how can one conquer a bad food habit. The answer is simple, replace bad food habits with good tasty habits. Nuts are a great source of energy and just a little can fill you up a lot. Also the best way to learn to eat something that is not that tasty but is high in nutrition and low fat, eat it when you are extremely hungry. I never use to eat avocados because of their strange taste, but after a long day and not having anything to eat, eating that avocado as a food relief was life changing and extremely tasty!

Below is my top 10 tips on how to lose fat and gain muscle.
Make every day activities more challenging, add additional body weights to make casual tasks more challenging.
Stay away from ready made meals and fast foods.
Eat when you are hungry, and not when its usual time to eat.
Find things you like to do, and do them more often. (I like to climb up places, so I set myself new challenges and once i conquer a challenge, I try conquer it again, just a lot faster.)
Set yourself goals and challenges.
Achieving a goal or completing a challenge you set brings out the satisfaction and the thirst for more challenges.
Try new things you have not tried before, food or exercise.
Find friends or family to join you.
Follow your own diet/exercise plan and keep to it.
Last but not least, never give up on anything you try.

I hope this will help many of you, the readers, in assisting in getting the body and health you want!

My name is Xavier Dabrowski, and I am an expert in losing fat and muscle gain. Please visit my site at http://www.losefatgainmuscle.co.za to learn how to get the body you always wanted with your every day life activities.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Xavier_Dabrowski

Top 4 Benefits of Dumbbell and Bodyweight Exercises For Women

There has been a revolutionary change in women in the past century. They have become very busy. They, on one hand have full time jobs and on the other hand raise a family. It is not at all mandatory to join some gym or perform long workouts for fitness. Despite the busy schedule you can build your body to a perfect shape. You can have your own workouts at home and you just need to have is a pair of dumbbell and your own body weight. A few important benefits of dumbbell and body weight work out routines for women are mentioned below:

Benefit 1: Get a Slimmer and Tighter Stomach

Dumbbell & body-weight exercises are usually found to be compound and multi-joint movements. These movements concentrate more on your abdomen than on endless crunches and sit-ups. Never rely exclusively on crunches and sit-ups for a slimmer and tighter belly.

Benefit 2: Save Lot of Money

You need not waste your time and money on a personal trainer, gym memberships, or on expensive equipment. All you need to do is to learn how to train with dumbbell and body weight exercises. Therefore, it is needless for you to spend as much as $50 per session on a good personal trainer and $400 per year on a gym membership.

Benefit 3: No More Excuses

With yourself well trained, imagine being able to work out wherever it is possible for you. If you find a recess in between the meetings in your office, you can have a quick body weight circuit. Even before your breakfast also, you can get a half an hour work out. It is very comfortable to have a body weight and dumbbell exercises literally anywhere and anytime depending on your choice.

Benefit 4: Get Better Results

You can force your body to work hard on learning how to do the super intense workouts. It is all about how hard your workout is and not how long you workout. An hour long, low intense workout yields poor results than a fifteen minute super high intense workout. So, train your body to have super intense workouts for good results.

If you're really serious about getting into shape with Dumbbell training, then you need the right program. The best one out there is Turbulence Training, developed by Craig Ballantyne. For more information on this amazing program, check out my blog, ShahTraining.com [http://shahtraining.com/about/workout-without-weights/bodyweight-blueprint-for-fat-loss-review/bodyweight-exercise-revolution/turbulence-training-workouts/turbulence-training/].

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info and copyright info.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Parth_Shah

10 Awesome Bodyweight Exercises for Judo

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of exercises out there. But which ones are will improve your performance on the mat. Here is a list of 10 fantastic body-weight exercises that will build strength, power and explosiveness for all Judokas.

Body-weight squats
Body-weight squats will develop strength and stability in the lower body. Strength in the legs is something the Japanese pride themselves on. That is one reason why they develop so much power when they execute a technique. Make sure when you are squatting that you get low enough so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive through your heels, don't fall backwards and maintain your balance.

One of the hardest and best body-weight exercises on the planet. Burpees develop leg power and upper body strength and when done as part of a circuit or in a Tabata interval will dramatically increase your fitness levels. Simply squat down, extend your legs out into a push up position, perform a push up, bring your legs back to a squatting position and proceed to explode upwards jumping as high as you can.

Whether it is traditional, close grip, wide grip, box, or scooping pushups the fact of the matter is that push-ups will give your upper body a strength boost. Having a strong upper body will result in you being able to create really good reactions when you fight which can assist in your throwing your opponent.

Chin ups
One of the hardest but most beneficial exercises in not just the bodyweight exercise category, but in strength training as well. The ability to pull your chin above a bar will greatly improve your strength and overall success on the mat. Whether it is close, wide or alternate grip chin ups, if you make chin ups a part of your regular gym programs you will not only get a stronger back but also have a greater strength when it comes to pulling your opponent off balance.

Rope climbs
Similar to chin-ups, the rope climb is one of the most beneficial exercises for judokas. The rope climb is utilized by all top level judo players due to the fact that it not only increase your arm, back and core strength but also increase your lactic acid buffer in your forearms and arms. This is a great attribute to have in the last few minutes of a judo match. If you are constantly climbing the rope week in, week out you will see an increase in your ability to not only grip fight hard, but grip fight for longer.

Elastic band open shuts
Judokas are constantly gripping and flexing the forearm and wrist muscles and as a result most have a muscle imbalance in forearms. This imbalance can lead to injuries such as RSI and tendinitis. Elastic band open shuts will slowly strengthen the opposing muscles (wrist and forearm ex-tensors) creating a muscle balance in the wrists and forearms. Simply wrap an elastic band around your fingers and open and close them for 50 reps a day for the first week and slowly increase week after week.

Core hold
Ab brace, prone hold, plank or bridge. This exercise has so many names and most the time it is performed incorrectly. To perform a Core holds properly assume a push-up position but rest on your elbows instead of your hands. Your hips should be parallel to the floor, do not drop your hips or raise them too high. Concentrate on your abdominal and lower back muscles and slowly bring your shoulder-blades together. Hold for desired time limit. If this becomes too easy slowly raise an arm and leg off the ground. This will make your core have to adjust slightly to compensate for the hips tilting.

Hanging leg raises
This seems like a simple exercise but is actually very difficult. Hang off a chin up bar and let your legs hang slightly off the floor. Contract your core muscles, slightly bend your knees and raise your feet as high as you can towards the bar. Try to avoid any excess swinging. If this is too difficult then raise your knees to your chest instead. Perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

Squat jumps
Similar to a bodyweight squat but once you reach the bottom of the squat explode upwards and jump slightly off the ground. Be sure to land on your toes and repeat for desired number of repetitions.

Clapping push-ups
Another exercise that seems easy but after two or three repetitions becomes quite difficult. Perform a push-up and instead of pushing your body back to the starting position explode upwards, getting some airtime long enough to clap your hands. Land and repeat for desired number of repetitions.
I recommend performing 11 seconds on and 9 seconds off for as many rounds as you can handle.

If you add any of these exercises to your strength and conditioning programs you will find that your Judo will improve. All of the above exercises are fantastic for Judo. Remember that Judo players should be training like Judo players so it is vital that the exercises you are performing in the gym are catering specifically for Judo.

Author: Matt D'Aquino

Matt D'Aquino is the founder of Beyond Grappling fitness and conditioning. He is a 2008 Beijing Judo Olympian as well as nationally ranked freestyle wrestler and National Champion in Brazilian Jujitsu. Matt has a passion for teaching all forms of grappling and is on the journey to qualify for his 2nd Olympic Games.

To learn more about Matt and his fitness and conditioning training visit http://www.workoutsforjudo.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_D'Aquino